Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 9, 2013

Good morning in the studio.

An entire day without rain.

Good read-through of Awake! Awake! Deborah!  at Apothecary in the evening. The play is better (and shorter) than it was.  All my cast was so excellent I could hear my nerves relaxing as I listened. There are moments of greatness. In any group there will always be the person who arrives late, hasn’t brought a script, and then leaves keys under his chair, so there must be a return trip after everything has been locked up. It is always the same person, and it is always the person with the longest list of grievances about his treatment by the world. These are rules. Lovely wind-down at the Pack tavern afterward.

Derek said his mother said I had treated her awful when we met. I was horrified, even though he set it down to dementia. I remembered meeting her, but certainly had no recollection of being awful to her.

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