Monday, January 10, 2011

January 9, 2011

Dream before morning of completing quite wonderful art projects in the old studio at the Candle Station. Felt full of creative energy, as I do now. I was working in a group of others who were known to me in the dream. Elaborate, formal dreams of late, with a stately organization almost recognizable to the waking mind.

Westboro Baptist has its public say about the shootings in Arizona. These lunatics are the creation of the media, and the media is responsible for their existence. No coverage, no demagoguery. Westboro Baptist has no legitimate voice in the dialogue. To think otherwise is the imbecile’s version of even-handed journalism. The local media used to do the same thing, interview the bigot and blasphemer Ralph Sexton every time a gay issue came up. It’s like insisting on a Nazi commentary at every Bar Mitzvah.

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