Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 5, 2011

Nine calls on my land line in two days. Eight of them are solicitations.

Watched on line the video which got the captain of the USS Enterprise fired. I have to say I found it almost unbelievable that such a thing would be noticed, much less vilified. Why waste the energy? I thought it was funny, sometimes, and no raunchier than one would expect from a bunch of sailors. What I find disturbing is that, in this terrible world, THAT would be the cause of furor. Every now and then I think I should dedicate myself to some cause, and as often as anything else I think that cause should be getting people over the notion that they have the right to be offended. On this planet only Glenn Close has any rights in this matter, as she seems to have appeared in the video under false pretenses. Everyone else is grandstanding, posing, or at best setting their borders a little too far out into the common ground. We must remind ourselves of the absolute difference between giving offense and taking it, and taking it when it was not intended is all one’s own affair.

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