Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 1, 2011

Quiet supper with friends at Kyle’s house last night. This morning I rose and worked on my film. Then went outside and transplanted the beautiful sun-colored vine from where it was to where it should be, by the north fence, now given to the light by the cutting of the hemlocks. Then I put away the spade and went for coffee, where I confided to Matthew the Barista that my resolution was to be even more bad-ass this year than in years before. We decided that I should wear an eye patch when I return to school. Walked through north Asheville before anybody else was awake. When I was heading for home it began to rain, and I muttered, “this is good,” thinking of the roots of the transplanted flower.

1 comment:

Marty said...

Hey, Dave, can't wait to see the eye-patch! You da badass buddy.