Monday, January 3, 2011

January 2, 2011

Finished Pillar of Fire, my first second-wave screenplay. I know there will have to be a second draft, because the typos are so abundant as to indicate demonic possession of the keyboard.

Coffee with Sam, during which I commissioned a TTBB piece. How full he is of taste and inspiration and enthusiasm! Maybe we will find each other congenial collaborators. He reminds me of myself in my salad days, when no project was beyond my scope and no abundance wore me thin. It’s the same today, actually, though I speak of it with much greater circumspection. It always seem to me there’s more to know about music than there is about writing, more technicalities, more rules, though perhaps that’s because my understanding of writing is intuitive.

Made the rounds of my newly planted trees, and all of them sport buds, even the rootless laburnum.

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