Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010

Tired of unending winter. Sleet and rain alternated yesterday. This morning is too dark to see whether it is sleet or rain blocking the sky. But I resolved my circuit breaker problems and worked at the studio all Saturday, painting through most of it, but also reading through the balance of the scripts that had been sent to Black Swan. There are so many playwrights, so many plays, and few of them what you would call bad. There are reasons for not producing most of them, but clear and obvious reasons for having written them. I hope some angel keeps track of all the honest effort that goes unrewarded in the world. Jolene was also persuaded to change the location of the router, so the building is now flooded with WiFi capability. Hurrah all around.

Cantaria board meeting this afternoon, where it may (or may not) leak out that I am no longer singing with the group, at least for this semester. We are crossing too many lines at once– from concert choir into show choir, from fun into camp–and I’m not going along. I’ve fought the battle before, but now I feel that my heart is no longer the group’s heart. I don’t mind being outnumbered. I do mind being stubborn and out of step. If I’m not those things, the tide will turn.

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