Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 3, 2010

Unsurprisingly, I took a dive into phlebitis on Monday morning, responding, I suppose, to the stress of the play. Caught it in time, and spent only one afternoon class and one night on the rim of unconsciousness. The chills cause muscle spasms the next day, but it has been a thousand time worse, so I go about rejoicing at dodging a bullet.

Cast and crew at the playwriting class Monday night, brilliant and expressive. Continue my joy in being associated with them. I don’t quite miss it (remind me never to produce again), but I’m overjoyed that it happened. All was well. The negative comments come from people who would scorn a cure for cancer if I’d discovered it. I do provoke people. My defense is that I seldom mean to.

We have a day between a storm and a storm. I intend to make the most of it.

Afternoon. Satisfying hours at the studio. I kept throwing breaker switches trying to run the lights and the space heaters at once, so finally I gave up, but I was happy with what I had accomplished. Painted over “finished” paintings to start again, as if I were Jason.

1 comment:

Perry said...

Dear Sir, yours is the best and bravest American literary diary I have ever read. Thank you for giving us such a candid look into an artist's mind and life.

Perry Sandfield
Modesto CA