Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 24, 2010

Andrew Ruthven will be directing Bronzino’s Gaze in Houston.

I have sometimes looked one last time before I turned right and wiped out a pedestrian in an intersection. I’ve sometimes stifled a satiric comment at someone’s lapse, without knowing that his father or his cat had died that very day. I’ve sometimes –almost always, now that I think of it–been saved from doing to another that which cannot be redeemed, and when that has happened I have thanked the Lord most copiously. I thought of it watching the Olympics last night when the Dutch speed skating coach cost his skater a gold medal by commanding him into the wrong lane. Before multiples of millions of viewers, he ruined a hopeful boy’s life– a chunk of it anyway–and immediately many of those millions began the mantra, O thank God it wasn’t me.

Presided over a freakishly well-attended Friends of the Library Board meeting this afternoon. I felt like a hippopotamus picking up a pea.

Cold returns. I can’t put enough on.

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