Saturday, April 4, 2009

March 28, 2009

Meeting at HART to cut Hamlet; it may have been the most tedious experience of my life. Sitting straight up in an uncomfortable chair, I yet struggled to stay conscious. The cuts were not especially judicious–transcribed from a video of the Gielgud version-- and Steve is dealing with a room full of “experts.” each of whom cried out in anguish when some favorite or necessary passage was cut. I think with so many cooks S will have to struggle to keep the broth from being very strange indeed. I kept my mouth shut, largely because the others’ proprietary attitude was so embarrassing. Huge rain for the drive home. Tom and Trinity and I gossiped about the theater.

Planted foxglove and quince. It is too early, I think, but this is when the crate arrived, and I assumed they would have a better chance in the rich spring mud than in the box. It was already twilight when I began planting, and full night when I limped to the trash can with the empty containers. My luck with foxglove is inexplicably bad. I called on the spirits to reverse at least that.

Finished In the Company of Women in time to lecture on it tomorrow. I think it was not meant for men to read.

Colorless lymphatic fluid leaked from a crease in my big toe for two days, soaking sock after sock. I don’t know how it began or why it stopped.

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