Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9, 2009

Beautiful spring day after the backlash of winter. Planted purple and gold violas. Tried to sell Keats to my freshmen. Tried to sell Rome to my other freshmen. Trying not to notice how every single day for the discernible future has a notch taken out of it by someone to feels entitled to a piece of my time. The Christmas cactus is unaccountably in bloom. I gave myself the evening for productivity, and I haven’t been productive at all, but I have tied up loose ends and re-woven some of the ravels, so much is well. The Muse sits on the couch with the remote in her hand, watching videos. She doesn’t laugh, but she calls out to me, tapping away in the next room, “You should see this. This is really funny.”

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