Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 28, 2009

Glorious day follows glorious day, even if glimpsed only in moments between classes. Rehearsal for Theatrical Stimulus Package, what the students are calling their evening of plays, at the Flood last night. I was tired and grumpy and disappointed that so many of the plays were bad–and upset because I had not said ‘these plays are bad,” nor even been certain that I should say such a thing– but when I looked at the class, their eyes were wide, their attention glued so beautifully on the stage, that all was suddenly well. They people who were supposed to profit by it were. Even those whose plays were the worst huddled in corners afterwards, talking about revisions, without my saying anything, which is what I had hoped they would do. Steve had his hair cut very short, and golden glitter sprinkled through it. It was a lovely effect, young Oberon on his bicycle. Stopped with MA and Casey afterwards for drinks at Charlotte Street. Very glad to have done this, for it unwound all tension, we having laughed ourselves silly planning our new musical, inspired by Urinetown, called You Should Suck My Cock. We’re going to suggest it next year as an alternative to The Vagina Monologues.

Almost midnight. The golden wood poppies are in bloom, as is the golden tree peony. Is it purely coincidental that its scent is lemon?

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