Saturday, June 21, 2008

June 18, 2008

My aerobics buddy Lynn turned to me while we were waiting for class to begin at the Y and said, "You know, I can’t believe you’re an artist. You’re so calm and such a good listener. I bet all those frantic people you have to hang out with drive you crazy." I suppose they do, now that I think of it, but my secret smile was for my perception of my own frenzy, which is either well hidden or so much less than that of others (whom Lynn observes) that I should no longer fear it.

I’m the last to know that Chall and JF are opening (or perhaps have opened) a sort of cabaret down by the river. It’s what is needed there, if the community but knew it. If I had known exactly where it was I would have gone there in the blue light and uttered a spell of profitability over it.

My loaner copies apparently never coming home, I bought a new copy of Lord of the Rings and, after painting, drove to the riverside park and opened it, and read in the cool and dapple, and for two hours I was happy. A strong wind was blowing, and there were waves on the river that didn’t always have to do with the current.

When I bought the book, Byron said, "You look great. You look slim." I would have bought it anyway.

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