Monday, December 10, 2007

December 6, 2007

Before light. Blocked and rehearsed Act II of Edward the King last night. I’m so lucky in my cast that I don’t know what we’ll have to do between now and February. Adam reads a scene the first time through haltingly, but the second time through as if he had been on stage all of his nineteen years. I’d like to give my direction some credit, but it may all be just an innate talent as great as I’ve ever seen up close. Anne-Marie’s instrument is like one of those machines so finally balanced the slightest nudge puts it in exactly the right place.

Coffee with Tiffany. She is so funny people forget how beautiful she is. We talked about the disappointments in her career since she left LA, and I found myself thinking up remedies–productions and showcases-- as if I could bring any such things to pass. I suppose making the suggestion puts energy out into the world. We talked about our mutual project last summer; she was dissatisfied too, and more bitterly, since it introduced her to this world. Talking with A-M at rehearsal, I learned that she was the most disappointed of us all; the three of us could have comforted each other, had we but known.

I’m not a fully useful critic because, finally, I fear to offend and to compromise friendships. Part of this is cowardice, part anxiety that I may actually be wrong. Honesty is not the same as truth, though many think it is. I don't think so, and try to be on guard. I need to drive to Atlanta and consider theater there, then drive home and live in peace.

Tiffany asked why I hadn't submitted anything to Catalyst, and I said I had, and it had been rejected. She gave me a very gratifying look of astoundment.

Phone call from First Stage saying that the production of Before the Holy Temple will be December 16. All three finalists will be read, to see how we divide up the money. The man on the phone said he liked the play very much, that the tenor, at least, was actually going to sing, and that the director was famous in the Czech Republic. I supposed all these things to be good.

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