Thursday, December 20, 2007

December 16, 2007

Snow in gathering darkness.

I impersonated Saint Nicholas for the Saint Nicholas breakfast at church this morning, a task I complained about so much I can hardly admit now that it was delightful, finally, to do. Talked with Tom M beforehand. I asked him about his vocation as a priest, and his answer was so sincere, so full of virtue and gravitas, so utterly without irony that I was, for once, left speechless.

Receiving a flurry of rejections from theaters who left their reading to the last moments of the year. I can but laugh, because I have done exactly the same thing with Black Swan, printing out polite refusals as fast as I can read the scripts. Keeping some, of course, against the event of a hole in time.

Saw the movie The Golden Compass, and am now longing for a demon, though something other than needy Jocasta draped across my lap like a threadbare rug.

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