Friday, September 22, 2023


September 22, 2023

Outstanding AVLGMC concert at Givens Estates last night. Happy audience, happy performers. Took me one song (The National Anthem, in this case) to blow past hoarseness and make a contribution.  The invariable weak point of our concerts is the inevitable duet by “the singing doctors.” Both voices have passed their prime. 

Theater with J, a matinee of What the Constitution Means to Me. Not a wasted afternoon– excellent acting and production values. But the show is essentially virtue-signaling and not a play. There is no ambiguity (hence no character) and no chance for growth, as the correct attitude is struck and the correct information is revealed by a charismatic and infallible narrator. Perky, though, and often funny. I bet it was a one-act that outgrew itself trying to be a full length. The really good material took up somewhat less than an hour. As a playwright, I’m jealous of its fame. In want to say “inexplicable” fame, but we all want to hear what we already believe emoted from the stage. Spent unnecessary money being confused by the parking apparatus. Had an excellent bloody Mary at the Bier Garden. Did not bake the pie I had assigned myself to bake.

Goodbye summer, goodbye. 

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