Friday, August 18, 2023

Ohio 2


August 18, 2023

Rose late, called D, went to Hiram and spent the day largely with him, having lunch, visiting the Bio Station, talking about the betrayals and decay that plagues both our lives. I’m slightly less weighed down by it all than he. Watched the trumpeter swans napping on the shore of the pond. I think often–and especially today– of the time when I thought remaining in Hiram for all my life was my one desire. I think it would have been a catastrophic choice, though I have not completely left it behind. The bucolic “what if” lingers. Left Hiram and drove to Maytree, penetrating a little before twilight. I’ll return tomorrow. I called on the spirit of the place and asked if she remembers me. I didn’t wait long enough for the answer; thus I must return tomorrow.  Managed finally to identify a plant I noticed in my earliest youth in the forests of Ohio: American jump berry. The name is exactly right. Skipped Ellet night at Dave Haasz’s bar and went to the movies again, this time seeing The Meg 2. It was marginally less stupid than the first one. The motel fridge froze the food I bought yesterday, but not the wine.

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