Saturday, August 5, 2023


August 4, 2023

Dress rehearsal last night. I’d forgotten how much fun it is to be on stage. I’d forgotten in what ways acting is, in fact, creative. The evening is too long (12 plays would be too many even if they were actually 10 minutes long. Most of them aren’t) and far too uneven. A few of them make you wonder about the selection process. I admire our playwright because his idea is the right size for the time allotted. Most of the playlets take far too big an idea and try to condense it down. The ten minute play is a repellent concept, anyway, though currently a playwright’s main path to production. It encourages the audience in bad habits. 

K wrote me a note about my performance and said, “You were tremendous.” Compared to my own expectations, I believe I was. 

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