Sunday, August 27, 2023


August 27, 2023

Saturday was full, but finished off with a vodka-enhanced Netflix orgy, so no report at the conclusion. Thought I’d finished with the Bartok play, but I hadn’t. Church in the AM. I was out of practice. Voice mucous-y, which I didn’t discover till I began to sing. Made an attempt to take my car to Folly, which would open up vast vistas of things apparently of interest only to me, and keep off the sense of being trapped between a bar and a beach that begins at about day 2-- but that proves unexpectedly problematic. The only situation in car-happy America where another car is, apparently, out of the question. One sighs and moves on. Binge-watched Eli Stone to its very end. It was fascinating to me even though not well written, chaotic, imagined fancifully rather than powerfully. Somehow the characters remained compelling. Or, I fancy myself prophetic in some useless way and saw a reflection of that in the main character. Or I just couldn’t pull myself up off the sofa. Powerful dreams. In the last one I was singing in a gigantic chorus. It was a concert, but our director (I think she was S) kept stopping us for petty things and making us start over. We rebelled, shouted her down, left the stage. We were bound together somehow, and could only leave the stage together, like a giant wave. 

Rain threatened but, as far as I can see from the study window, never coming. 

Rameau. Get up and march.

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