Monday, April 10, 2023



April 9, 2023

Brilliant Easter, a day of weatherly perfection. Two services which I hope brought joy into hearts and peace into souls. 

Dreamed last night that I was invited to a New Years party at the Huxtables (the TV family from long ago). Bill Cosby told me to sit down and “look after myself,” and pointed to a gigantic coat rack which took up most of the room. When I tried to hang my coat, I realized the hangars were tangled up, and untangling them was a puzzle you had to solve before you sat down. When I was finally seated, I saw K standing behind an array of microphones, and my heart sank that the evening’s entertainment was going to be bad poetry. 

Watched an opossum nose about my yard, then cross the street in their unheeding way. A woman stopped for him and waited for him to cross. I think it’s DJ’s ‘possum, so bold now that he gads about in broad daylight. 

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