Friday, March 25, 2022



March 24, 2022

Planted Mahonia and a shrub the nursery girl was very enthusiastic about, called Sixteen Candles, just before the week’s big rain. Excited about gardening this year, and find myself by no means behind in my program. Astonished by the ease of labor on some days, and the exhaustion occasioned by it on others. Tony came to renew our lawn mowing relationship. He is a dedicated talker. I try to piece together the narrative through ensuing months. Sometimes I’m almost defeated by his accent. I don’t understand how he supports three children by mowing lawns, especially as he doesn’t do that all winter. 

All Souls dealing with a financial shortfall, coupled with the apparently never-ending drama of calling a new Dean. It is easier than one expected to recognize where one can be of service and where had better stand back. 

During massage, Z relating to me what he’s learned from his dating books, in case someday I decide to try to snare me a woman. He confesses his long-standing fear of rejection in dating. I want to say, “Have you looked in the mirror?” thinking his fear of rejection to be ludicrously unfounded. 

G was caught in a video pedophile sting. Brouhaha at the university. I always thought he was creepy, but never suspected this was the source of his creepiness. I do not think this sort of thing should destroy a man’s life, but I know it will.

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