Thursday, March 17, 2022

 March 16, 2022

Rain on the roof. Des Prez on the CD. Rain hard, Des Prez soft. Four rejections in the morning email. Boxes of plants delivered either magically or in the dead of night. Kyle the red-bearded furnace guy came early, fussing with the drainage outlet so it won’t (we hope) freeze every time the temperature dips. I said “The old furnace didn’t do that.” He said, “But this is a condensator furnace. The old one wasn’t.” His tone implied how things are so much better now, so I decided to let it drop. One of the lessons of the technological age is that 50% of innovations make things worse. 

Canon A getting an earful–at least indirectly-- about shaming us into canceling summer plans to accommodate her interview schedule. 

Rehearsal. By constant hydration I made it through. Gout.

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