Monday, March 7, 2022

Ash Wednesday


March 2, 2022

The furnace guys have been here 7 hours. I’ve gone from welcoming and accepting to kicking the floor and screaming goddammit when I look at the clock and another half hour has passed. It can’t take THAT long. One hole bashed in the wall was abandoned because it was too close to a window (the window was there when they started). I had to leave the kitchen because the next hole they were bashing lay right under my feet. They blame the inspectors for wanting things just so. My counsel is finish the job, go home, and don’t call the inspectors at all, but I don’t expect that suggestion to be met with approbation. 

One is a sullen redneck named Kyle, the other a giant Indonesian. I thought Indonesians were meant to be tiny. He’s messing with the study heater, trying to get the pilot lit. Rage for the moment suppressed, or redirected. 

Pruned the wild white lilac by the drive.

Had to move the old sideboard so they could use the hall, and in order to move it I had to empty it of three or four sets of antique dinnerware, now spread across the dining room table. The upheaval has given me a chance to prune my collection and send several fragile boxes to Goodwill. 

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