Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 January 19, 2022

Michael -- the big plumber who may be cute but how can you tell with the mask on?-- has turned off the water and is now replacing the master toilet-- which was possessed, and I’m glad to see it go. As in all such things, I find it better not to watch. 

Third day in a row beginning with TV aerobics. Judging by sweat and out-of-breathness, I’m in better shape than the burly Australian instructor. 

Evening: The toilet is in, after Michael took six hours rather than the promised three. There were issues, and he had to call his supervisor to help. Eric, the supervisor, inherited the houseplants in a break-up and went online to find out how to care for them. He especially loves the toilet I bought because it is the Cimarron model and his boyfriend (the one, unfortunately, involved in the break-up) is also Cimarron. My patience was exhausted and I’m afraid I was stonily businesslike with the striving and amiable Michael there at the end. 

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