Friday, December 10, 2021

Dog with White Eyes


December 10, 2021

Someone--maybe Freud–asserts that dreams are wish fulfillment. If so, I wondered why so few of my dreams are fully or fulfillingly sexual. Last night’s was, extended, vivid, lyrical. My partner was somebody I sort of know, but transfigured the way dreams do, and the identity for the moment forgotten. 

For no good reason bought Japanese porcelain at Biltmore Antiques. 

My tiny play The Dog with White Eyes accepted for publication

Revisions and additions to the Parish Profile submitted. 

Shying from delving into a big project, though three or four sit in the computer waiting to be delved. 

Office cleaning. Documents from before the move finally found their way into the recycling bin. 

AW continues his decades-old program of defamation and slander. I admire his diligence, but wonder at the place I continue to hold in his psyche, whereas I never think of him unless I receive word of another subterranean attack. He might have done something useful with all the energy he expended on me, though probably not. 

Two different broadcasts of ancient Christmas music from two different rooms.

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