Monday, August 3, 2020

August 2, 2020

Rose early to walk downtown before full light. The primary denizens of that hour are people walking their dogs and the homeless, some of them up and scrounging, some of them still asleep beside the fountain or in alleys. One approached me looking for cigarettes or a handout. I had neither. He had colored his beard green. We chatted for a moment when he mentioned someone who had been “talking shit on the radio,” by which he apparently meant a CB. He said, “If you’re part of the Brotherhood you’ll know him. Tell him Bubba was listening and he’d better watch his back.” I promised to convey the message. Google was not helpful on what “the Brotherhood” might be. It is astonishing how much life the street has, that has evidently nowhere else to go. Men use Pritchard Park as a living room before the rest of the city stirs.

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