Friday, August 21, 2020


August 19, 2020

De Lassus

Beautiful summer. People complain about the heat & humidity; I do not. Tried my hand for the first time at writing a music (Country music) video for a former student, whom I don’t remember, but who sends me messages all the time. Don’t yet know how she likes it.

Morning glories work summer blue in among the stalks of the garden. They’re all volunteers, as is the borage growing by the porch. I tried to grow borage in containers last summer. That failed, and I dumped the containers, and from that dump arose the heavenly blue. Looked for groundhog damage, found only comfrey nibbled to the ground. My main comfrey stand is outside the fence, where he never goes, so I didn’t care that much. The tomatoes have this strange cancer-growth, so he can have them too.  

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