Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Dublin 5

 March 11, 2020

Across the street in the Acting School, two bearded boys are doing a scene, racing about and shouting at each other, while a middle aged woman watches and takes notes. People bundled up and hunched against the rain foretell the day.
Lunched with Loretto at her favorite Italian on South Frederick. Caught up on each other’s lives. Almost bought a tiny Yeats, realizing that my fire to own things, even beautiful things, burns quite low. Looked at the terrible rain and decided not to go to the Gaiety, wasting my ticket. From 3:15 for an hour this dark morning I was seized by vicious diarrhea. Blamed lunch, though Stephen had the same thing and seemed to be all right. I am glad I made this trip, but the ways in which it was not the ideal time to do so almost even things out.

Rehearsal in the Gaiety School across the street. They are so good looking, so serious.  

Did exactly what I ought to have done: rose up out of sloth, crossed the street to Lundy Foot’s, had a drink and listened to old Dublin music about how things were better in the former times. Spirit restored.

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