Monday, October 21, 2019

October 18, 2019

Supper with Brett on Sunset Boulevard. Haven’t seen him since Dublin. He looks and sounds himself, having invented–so far as I can tell– a unique and engaging career for himself out of bits and pieces of art and technology. Watched everything and everyone pass by on a perfect night. I had forgotten that BD did not graduate from college, tripped up by a technicality that I could not ride over for him, and which he judged–correctly, as it turned out–more bother than it was going to be worth. Gave him a copy of TFW. He seems happy and fulfilled. One of my sheep come fully and fitly to the fold.

Brunch with JWT, who plays Gaveston, a man as elegant and extenuated as his name. He is very young, just graduated from Stella Adler, with beautiful hair and a manner serious and consequential. E&G is his first acting gig after school. I felt frivolous beside him. He studied the history of the play from a book whose every second line he had underlined in red. He loves Edward the King, thinks it’s a masterpiece (as do I) and wants to find some way to produce it fully and to turn it into a film. I have seldom sat through such a flood of praise for myself. Praise is pleasanter than blame, but also harder to respond to. I assured him that anywhere he went, I would follow. He thanked me for lightening him up with my “antics.” I didn’t know I had them, but I’m glad they are amusing. He is indeed a very serious young men, very smart, and if he’s as determined as he sounds, Edward may have a future..  $85 to get from my hotel to the Hollywood Line in Koreatown and back.

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