Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 18, 2019

Heroic gardening. German lute music. Irish sun-poisoning rekindled on my scalp. Started the day at High 5, thinking I might want to write a play about the recent Title IX circus. Discovered that I would have to understate the asininity of the issue to make the thing plausible at all. To quote their real precepts and report their real procedures sounds like oafish parody. It is a sad tale when you have to clean up your enemies’ reasoning and dull the edge of their tyranny merely to present the issue to the public. People simply do no believe you when you say, “And THEN she said this.” But she did. Back on 9/11 somebody said, “Nobody would buy it if you put, one year ago, the exact events of this day into a book.” You say that the Biddyocracy cannot endure, You say that Trump cannot be elected. It is a world of wonders.

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