Saturday, May 18, 2019

May 17, 2019

Corelli on You Tube, interrupted by the most inharmonious commercials.

Back to the Racquet Club before dawn. Lifted weights. Most of the same regulars who did early morning before anemia kicked me out.

Coffee with Adam at the Odd CafĂ© in West Asheville. Great to see him, joyful to be in his presence. He leaves today on a journey which leads eventually to his father’s island in Greece. We talked about his plans for a one-man show about Grendel. I asked where he lives now and the answer is “nowhere,” going from gig to gig, sleeping on couches. It’s a life I considered long ago for maybe ten minutes. He is the most dedicated actor I have ever known personally. Not the most ambitious, which may make a difference in time.

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