Friday, March 8, 2019

March 8, 2019

Sound of torrential rain on the roof. Does rain stop the airlines? Nearly everything else does.

Final proofs arrived from Red Hen yesterday afternoon. I emailed Natalie that I couldn’t possibly get them done before I returned from Israel, but I sat down after rehearsal and did them, and still had time for TV before bed. I couldn’t believe there were so many errors left from the first editing, or maybe they were new ones. It is a very short book. While I was correcting the proofs I said “thank God” to that.

RH was forceful about my not using the word “retard.” I insisted. We’ll see what happens.

Found a perfectly good pair of jeans in my closet. “Why don’t I wear these?” I asked. I put them on and remembered that if my left leg is swollen anywhere near its limit, it won’t go into them.

The measure of my recover is that I think nothing of taking the stairs to the study. Used to prepare carefully so as to go only once a day.

Overprepared and prepared too soon. It’s better than the opposite.

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