Wednesday, March 20, 2019

March 19, 2019

My travels are officially over, as today I drove to the airport to fetch my peregrinating bag. Travel did in this case what it is meant to do, for I feel rested and renewed and full of purpose. Student Michael reminded me I’m off again in a week.

Today I revealed to my chairman my slowly maturing intention “I’m retiring.” She got a look of horror on her face and said, “Right this minute?” I told her “end of next year,” but did reserve the right to march out the door if anybody pissed me off.

Final edits and corrections of The Falls of the Wyona. I read it through in order to find last edits (there were some), noting that it is really a beautiful book, and that I have no recollection of writing any sentence of it. It’s as though it were created by somebody else.

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