Monday, March 25, 2019

March 25, 2019

Matthias Weckmann on the CD.

The AWP site is up, and the fact is that I have no reading. I was relying on Tobi’s having said on Tampa, “Of course next year you’ll have your own reading” and put down to disorganization the fact that I’d heard nothing more.  But I do have several book signing sessions, one with Erica Jong, who was famous among us when we were in grad school.  I signed off on the layout of the book on Saturday morning. I don’t see how they can have anything printed and bound by the middle of next week, so I am anticipating a completely useless voyage to Portland. But it will be, in any case, a voyage to Portland, where I have not been before. So, well.

Jaki Shekton Green, our new NC port laureate, on the radio. We met 30 years ago at the North Carolina Writers’ Conference, to which we were invitees and new members. We have been fine friends on those rare re-encounterings. She is sublime when talking about poetic process, about the public life of the poet. I realize that, unless I have to make something up for class, I have nothing to say about process. Never missed it when I was actually working. I suppose a bird in flight is the last person you’d ask for an examination of the art of flying.

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