Friday, January 25, 2019

January 23, 2019

First meeting with Ann’s class went well. About half of them have had me before, so took the bump gracefully. Gratifying flood of my old students to my office, wanting me back.

Cancelled class today because of a grueling cold that, because of a variety of other ailments-- and because of not having had a cold in living memory– I ignored or mis-diagnosed. I’d schedule a dinner party for last night, and getting ready for that was a study in will and concentration. Was asleep on my bed when the door announced the first guest. The Moseleys and our new Visiting Assistant Rachel. Rachel learned more about the past of the university and the department than, I bet, she could take in. Everyone knows more gossip and personal detail than I do. Served coq us vin (overcooked) and mushroom casserole (perfection) and a lemon cheesecake.  At the end I did something I had never done in my life: I left the clean-up to the next morning.

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