Sunday, January 20, 2019

January 19, 2019

Woke into amazing physical well-being. Not a pain anywhere. How much of my daily inflammation is bacterial after all? All those antibiotics shouldn’t affect arthritis, if it was arthritis. Oh, the wonder of life. . ..

Kyle’s birthday cocktail party at the Hilton in Biltmore Village. Bought 5 boxes of Girl Scout cookies from a little booth under the Christmas lights.

Looking forward to the terrible weather predicted by the TV, to keep me home writing.

Lured by email promising lily bulbs, I drove to Eden Brothers. There were no lily bulbs, but the ladies working there showed me shelves of fall bulbs that they said I could have for free, since later that day they were going to be thrown away. Not much variety remained– pale yellow iris, purple crocus collections, one bag of anemone that I couldn’t tell the color of. I took the anemones, a bag of crocus, a bag of the pale iris, though I told the lady it was like going to an animal shelter, and I wanted to save them all. I got them–except the crocus, which remain forlorn – into the ground just as the cold drizzle was becoming a driving rain, which lasted in ferocity all night, and–as I see out the window--has turned to billowing snow.

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