Thursday, June 28, 2018

June 28, 2018

Zach gave me a weekend at a resort for being a faithful client.

Rain continues, with my blessing.

Sensational day at the studio. Painted the commission for Art Space Charter School. They give you a 12" square piece of plywood and tell you to go to town. The sort of thing I do all the time anyway– Doing it because of my long time crush on JH. My studio mate down the hall has not paid her rent in two months, and is destitute. I tried to buy one of her pieces. The piece I selected was the only thing on the wall NOT by her. Who is the goddess of thwarted goodwill?

Stacks of material begin to arrive from Red Hen Press, questionnaires, directives, messages I haven’t the publication savvy fully to understand. Have to sit back and take a deep breath. I know I have done this before, but I must purge it from recollection each time.

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