Saturday, June 16, 2018

June 15, 2018

Weirdly tranquil morning. It seemed wondrous silent when I rose, and remains so now that I’m deep into the day’s activities.

Cantaria rehearsal last night encouraging. I kept my voice the whole night, in answer to my prayers.  Friddle was there to receive homage as our founder and to direct “New Victory.” B increases the contortions necessary not to acknowledge my existence. What could go on in his head? Does he actually imagine wrong done to himself? That’s very Trumpian.

Speaking of whom, my country is unrecognizable Children are being torn from their parents and put into concentration camps. Jeff Sessions may well be the most evil person in public life anywhere in te world, and he seems to be making policy for Americans. I am an American and I will not stand for it. Having said that, I have no idea what to do. Write a poem? Give an address? Even with a gun in my hand I would get only so far. I have never been so frustrated as a citizen. Every day reveals some new atrocity that I fear with my whole heart will the next day come to seem like ordinary life. My cousin D reacts to a photo of children in cages with “that’s an old photo; check your sources.” She is a mother. I throw my hands into the air and say to myself, “THAT’S your response?” Do I want to see violence in the streets? I’m seeing it now, from the government. O, divinities who rule over such things, tell me what to do!

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