Thursday, March 15, 2018

March 15, 2018

Quail Bell, an online magazine, has accepted “The Locust Tree.” I’d forgotten what “The Locust Tree” was. Turns out it’s a story.

DJ reports that my pine’s coming down has let light into his front window, across the street and up the hill, for the first time ever. It truly was a tremendous tree.

B is giving me the silent treatment, averting his glance when we cross in the narrow ambulatory. I have often noticed, but never understood, the impulse of some people to punish those whom they have wronged.

Excellent bout of writing at High Five. The barista had a tattoo of caffeine on his arm.

Rehung the chime.

Went to Jesse Israel and bought another cherry and a pink rhododendron. Sat in the blaze of my backyard, now, and wrote a meditation.

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