Saturday, March 3, 2018

February 28, 2018

Dark of the morning, the dishwasher roaring comfortingly downstairs. Woke from an iteration of a recurring dream. The dream is this: In the middle of a park is a large restaurant notable for interesting, excellent food, and for the rumor that there is a pool of dark water under it, wondrously deep and cold, and that the pool is inhabited by fabulous creatures who either prepare the food or have some influence over it. The creatures have the bodies of beautiful men and women, but are often seen with knives or other implements where their hands would be.  I’ve had this dream several times. This time I managed to get a job at the restaurant. After working there for a time, I met one of the creatures and satisfied myself that he was human, but he did flash around in the pool for hours without a breath, so he was a water creature too, He was standing beside a sink peeling potatoes, I think, but majestically. I desired to talk with him, but I wasn’t sure my status at the restaurant allowed me to. As I dithered, I woke.

A long bout of some sickness is over. I am not certain what sickness it was. The symptoms that have disappeared are morbidly dry, itchy skin, severe muscle cramps, thirst and dehydration, and lightheadedness at any degree of exercise. Also, the insatiable craving for radishes. Was this all anemia? Did just mainlining iron cure it all? I will exhibit gratitude if not understanding.

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