Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013

Man in front of the Candle Station (so-called when I dwelt there) wanted to give me the pitbull puppy that came scampering out to greet me, all legs and eyes and instant affection. Wanted her, but it was impossible.

Church and Cantaria. A morning almost lost to memory because it was four hours of readying and sending manuscripts. Two weeks of bother begin today.

Dream that I was desperate to get to my grandmother’s house on Lowhill Road in Brownsville, PA. Everything would be all right if I could get there. Took a bus in a biggish town, telling the driver that I would keep looking through the windows; I’d know It when I saw it.  The bus was huge, and on it there were many encounters, most of them with some edge of danger averted.  Must have been a rough bus. Never got there.

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