Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October 16, 2013

Woke expecting to see a solution to the government shut-down streamed across the Internet. My grasp of history is not complete enough to find another time like this, when so much and so many were held at ransom by so few, and the issue so perverse. That it is a desperate attempt for the privilege to sustain their privilege, for the rich to stay rich, for the righteous agenda of a man “not one of us” to be defeated cannot be disputed even for a second, and probably wouldn’t be even by the perpetrators. That the world be set into a tailspin that I might have my way might have some justification if I’m freeing slaves or ending global warming, but in this case it is to subvert the law of the land, to defeat an election, to have your way even when the voters have rejected you, and it is treason and sedition. How anyone ever again with a brain or a conscience can vote for a Republican I will not understand. Wish I had not thought of this first thing in the morning. It’s not that I disagree, but that I sense there is no actual position to disagree with, that it is an amorphous cloud of opposition spreading itself over any sun that might break through. It is a fight to the death over no principle at all. I am Blake’s ox to wrath mov’d.

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