Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14, 2013

Much revision in the early morning, and the gift of a perfect ending to an almost-ready play. Much singing on the rest of the day. I was in my right mind.

Humbling revelation as I sat over tea that, despite my inner cataclysms, I have never strayed from the path. I have lain down beside it in anger and despair for months at a time, refusing to move, but when that was over, my feet were where they needed to be, and I continued.

RS bought a copy of The Sun in Splendor. Satisfaction improbable to anyone who isn’t me.

The computer restarted itself after an update, and when I got home, there was a sign on the screen saying “incorrect password,” from where Paul, I suppose, had tried to invade again.

Tiny spider on a vast white table where people were supposed to sign up for something in the church lawn. It looked so isolated and vulnerable, but the only thing worse would be if I’d tried to help it.

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