Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 29, 2013

Saturday was another entry in the log of heroic gardening. I intended to finish and winterize the Phil Mechanic garden, but in order to do so I had to find some way around the half marathon which seemed miraculously to block every street on this end of the city. One cop told me to try the Craven Street Bridge, and when I was blocked there I uttered a resounding profanity, and the other cop  waved me through. probably thinking I’d be a menace to society otherwise. Bought mulch at Southern States, where the handsome redneck helping me load and I had the following exchange.
Me: God, there’s stink bugs even between the bags of mulch.
Him: Yep. They’ll cover you up.

Planted alternating pink and purple iris, and a couple of radiant peonies, mulched thick. Only one plant, a peony, was lost from the spring planting, which I think was remarkable.

Came home and emptied the shipping boxes by digging a new beds for, mainly, iris. The soil was gratifyingly workable. I must have annihilated the vines earlier.

Lunch with Jon and Dalton, in for a day in the city. We laughed long and loud. Craggy faced guy got the deck about half done. Taking some divided orange iris to Mike Stevenson. Will need to spend the morning reading comp exams, a colleague’s confusion having thrown us into panic mode.

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