Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 28, 2013

In my dream there was a further testament of Judaism which came after the Christian testament. On one of the holy days of Judaism, certain passages from the New Testament, which were deemed to be precursor of the new Jewish vision, had to be read in order at various point around Central Park. I was given the honor of reading one of these passages, something from Acts. I was very excited. At the end of the dream we were coordinating our watches so the passage could be read at exactly the right moment.

Turns out I’m receiving royalties from the electronic version of A Childhood in the Milky Way, but in such minuscule increments that they have not yet actually written a check.

Enormous bout of autumn gardening yesterday, wherefrom I was sore and tired in a good way, but nearly to the point of illness. Got surprisingly few things into the ground– two tree peonies, two camellias (hoping to cure my bad luck with camellias)– but did a lot of digging and toting. The flowers I mail ordered are arriving in roomy boxes, and Dublin looms.

Joseph Gordon-Leavitt has a new movie about the effects of porn on a relationship. His character’s girlfriend is also addicted, to romantic comedies (chick flicks) and I happened to think of them as two handles of the same cup (lousy image, but–) Porn demanding unrealistic sexual enthusiasm from women, Rom-coms demanding an unrealistic cuddly and chocolate-bringing responses from men. They are both a kind of porn. Gay men almost never object to the unrealistic enthusiasm depicted in gay porn, because we think we might in fact react that way, given the right partner and opportunity.

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