Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 25, 2013

Two boxes of bulbs and peony roots arrived yesterday: the season is on!

Watched Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter last night with more enjoyment that I was led to expect. Thought it was cleverly plotted, which does not make up for absurdity, but rubs off absurdity’s edges. Was thrilled when the movie’s meeting of Lincoln and Josh Speed was so like mine, though that relationship later went awry.

None of my accounts was drained, so the hard-laboring Indian gentlemen must have been legitimate.

Glorious days have piled atop one another, so glorious in fact that one had to hide from them a little.

The traffic slows at the hummingbird feeders.

1 comment:

Friend in Need said...

You have been the victim of a well-known telephone/computer scam. They may not have drained your bank account, but they might have installed malicious spyware on your computer. Please read this: and this:

Depending on how you paid for this service, you may want to try to stop payment.