Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 18, 2013

Met at Handmade in America yesterday afternoon to dole out the Grassroots Grant monies. Everyone had done their homework and was reasonable. Saw Julie Becton after a long time. Brent spoke lovingly of his new dog. The rep from the State Council was the sort of woman I like, and choose for a friend, but also very definite about certain things. Both she and the rep from last year fought very hard for money for the AAAC. Last year we flatly refused (I’m sure the money was restored by fiat) and this year it came in dead last of all the things we wanted to fund. There are a lot of arts organizations doing a lot of good in the area. There are some pretty wacky, too. I would never myself apply for such a grant, because I have seen how punctilious everyone is about records, and my record-keeping has ever been cavalier.

Fighting a chest cold– a novelty for me. Took Nyquil Monday night, and staggered through my Tuesday classes half asleep. I don’t recall quite that effect.

Elaborate dreams. My sister and Jason and I went to see a movie production of The Tempest at the Goodyear Theater in Akron. It was gawdawful terrible, and we joined the throng leaving after half an hour or so, and I gloatingly recalled that, through some glitch, I had not yet paid for the tickets, and now never would. Out on the street, we could see both Oxford and the waterfront of Philadelphia, and I wanted to show Jason both of them. Linda had formed a crush on Jason and wanted to go home with him, and I teased her by always finding some new sight to point out and explain.

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