Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

December 31, 2012

Spent most of the day revising poems and putting together the collection Organum.

Set aside time to help Tom move a mattress, but he changed plans.

My bounty of dry pastels came in the mail.

I do feel good tonight, as though nothing were THAT consequential, as though nothing quite tragic could stain the passage of one year into the next.

The Kings of the Earth Rise Up has reached round two in the history play contest I sent it to.

Talked to Marco on the phone. Wanted to go out with him tonight, but couldn’t tell whether he cherished a night to paint or just was painting because he couldn’t afford anything else. Could ask, or he could tell.

Jannequin on Spotify. Rachel’s husband recorded Lux Arumque and "A Spotless Rose" from Christmas Eve. They sounded good to me. Some harshness from the women, but that might be the quality of the surreptitious recording. There sure is a hell of a lot of coughing.

I have been sad almost as long as I have been an adult. It has never been my choice, despite what people say. I have been waiting for something to happen. I have been waiting a long time, but the thing I wait for is very great indeed, so great that it has been the light of my life even if it never comes. So do I plunge forward.

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