Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 15, 2012

Yesterday was a day lightened, oddly, by phone calls. The comfort of a voice is always near, and yet I almost never think of it. Talked with Casey, who leaves Chicago for “home” today. Talked with Mike A who is taking Nashville by storm. Call from Marco–his annual apology for ignoring me, but better than the void.

Planted tree lilies (I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a tree lily) in the space where the peppers were.  The afternoon warmth around me in the planting may have been the last.

Worked on my Thanksgiving play, fighting off the cafĂ© sound system, as I’m apparently determined to do. Wrote a Christmas poem, to take the place of the annual biographical catchup, which always embarrassed me a little, wondering who really was interested. Took cards off the YMCA Christmas tree, which told me what gifts to buy for what kids; bought those gifts.

Cara sposa, amante cara, dove sei?

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