Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 18, 2012

Unexpected flood of Christmas spirit came over me yesterday. I was in the Fresh Market when I caught myself singing carols under my breath–though hardly under my breath. Rushed home and finished decorating the tree, which I had left in an austere and hasty state because the spirit was not in it. When I was done with the tree inside I went out and decorated the redbud on the street with red balls. I don’t expect them to last right down there on the public thoroughfare, but maybe they will, and wouldn’t it be a Christmas miracle if they did?

Kyle, DJ , Russell and I celebrated Russell’s birthday by seeing The Hobbit. I was prepared to be quibbling and hostile, but the great and large film won me over. Jackson does “improve” the story more than he needs to, but, as with LOTR, sometimes the changes are valuable. Was living it after the first half hour. I gave R the painting The Culvert, which he had admired when it hung in the restaurant.

Woke dreaming that I was visiting people in the hospital. One of them was my mother. I never talked to her in the dream, but I kept meaning too. Dreamed also that my camera was broken, and when the real cats jumped on me I was taking the dream camera apart to find a broken golden reflector inside.

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