Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 25, 2012

Dream before waking that there was a machine that could print out an image of anything you ever saw, whether you had taken a photograph or not.  I had not quite gotten it under control, and it was printing out random images, some I remembered, some I did not, but that was fine with me. The older images were sepia, as if they had been ancient photographs. There was a group of images which I realized were boys my mother had dated.

Good painting yesterday, then rather heroic gardening. I have, of course, chosen the most laborious way to go with gardening. Planted acanthus and swamp hibiscus and a low, parsley-resembling fern that I’d not seen before. In the evening I attended the opening of the rather undistinguished faculty art show, then the quite distinguished recital of Italian Baroque works by the Asheville Baroque trio. Ate something which soured my stomach, and whose effects extend even to this hour.

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